Don’t Forget to Top the Band, the latest release by guitar guru Jesse Christen, features ten new tracks. Order your copy now for $25.00 shipped in the US and $50 worldwide vinyl and $15 US and $20 worldwide for a CD.
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“I wanted to make a record I wanted hear,” says Jesse Christen is the inspiration behind his latest LP, Don't Forget to Tip the Band. “I wanted something that’s adventurous with great vintage guitar tone, has rock power, a little jazz sophistication and whole lot of blues and soul.”
Joined by the rhythm second of Reuben Rodriguez on bass and Dan Heier on drums, the three create a sound that runs the range of cool, fun and funky while keeping an individual identity.
“I’ve been out gigging with these guys for the past five years or so, so we understand each other as players,” says Jesse. “And we always have a blast playing together. I wanted to record something just so I’ll always have it to listen to.”
For guitar nerds out there, this album was recorded with only a vintage 1966 Fender Deluxe Reverb with a Stratocaster and a Telecaster plugged straight in, a couple of acoustic guitars and an old Phase 90 on a couple of overdubs. The record was cut live in the studio, with and no click tracks and minimal guitar overdubs only when needed.
“That’s how all my favorite records were made,” says Jesse. “I wanted something that sounded as close to the classics as possible.” Album and CD Track Listing:
Those little mudbugs sure are tasty.
A scary tune perfect for the Halloween season and any full moon.